
Fellowship Committee

The AGOS Fellowship Committee is responsible for reviewing membership applications and recommending new candidates for membership to the AGOS Council. Evaluation of a candidate is based on the totality of their contributions during their career in Obstetrics and Gynecology and women’s healthcare.


Ola Famuyide, MBBS


Stephanie Teal, MD

Ronne Alvarez, MD

Elizabeth Howell, MD

Samantha Butts, MD

Alison Cahill, MD

Anthony Visco, MD

Maya M. Hammoud, MD

Sarah Prager, MD


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the Council in fulfilling its financial oversight responsibilities with respect to audit activities, the annual Society budget and any major impacts on financial planning and shall ensure the accuracy and timely filing of IRS Form 990.  The committee makes recommendations to the Council for the selection of the investment advisor and maintains the Society’s investment policy, as approved by the Council. The Assistant Treasurer is responsible for the annual audit.


Paola Gehrig, MD


Nazema Siddiqui, MD

Anthony Sciscione, MD

Donna Johnson, MD

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a list of nominees for each position in which an individual is completing a term of service on the AGOS Council.


Ronald Alvarez, MD


Christos Coutifaris, MD

Vanessa Barnabei, MD

Sarah Adams, MD

Jeffrey Peipert, MD

Samantha Butts, MD

Leslie Appiah, MD

Gena Dunivan, MD

Torri Metz, MD

Program Advisory Committee

The Program Advisory Committee is appointed at the discretion of the President and assists the President in planning the format and content of the annual meeting.


Marcelle Cedars, MD


Mostafa Borahay, MD

Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman, MD

Eve Feinberg, MD