Dear AGOS Members

Dear AGOS Members,

AGOS thanks its members who, as participants of or speakers addressing the NASEM committee to review federal funding of women’s health research, have been part of this important process.  We also thank the committee for bringing to light the persistent gaps in addressing issues critical to women’s health research and clinical care.  While critical research is being done within the NIH and externally through funding by the NIH, the percentage of NIH funds devoted to women’s healthcare in 2023 was only 7.9%, down from prior years despite increased total funding to the NIH.  We welcome the opportunity to review the statement by NASEM in more detail and to work with the Women First Research Coalition and the NIH to improve funding to support women’s health research and to improve career pathways for investigators in women’s health care.

The NASEM report, A New Vision for Women’s Health Research, was released on December 5.

Please see the final WFRC response and recommendations HERE.